To mark out a large garden Sundial: Make a paper popup sundial first, to test alignment and see how the full scale sundial will look and fit. Dezember 2021 . . This verse from antiquity (Isaiah 66:22-23) supports the view that the only changes made in TIME-MEASURING have been by the rebellious-hearted over the centuries, reversing by 180 degrees Yahuahs plain instructions. From 723 feet above, The View on Level 72 features a breathtaking 360-degree panorama of the Atlanta skyline. This has been a pilgrimage journey in truth and humility to arrive at this interchange. "1d 2h 3m 4s + 4h 5s - 2030s" is an example of a valid expression. Is there any room for declaring the modern Scripture translations may contain errors relating to TIMES and LAWS as declared in Daniel 7:25? = 180 Hence, from the above equation, we can say, 180 degrees is equal to radian. Also, the flood was the prophetic time-centric fulfillment of Genesis 6:3. And this shall be a sign unto thee from the LORD, that the LORD will do this thing that he hath spoken; Behold, I will bring again the shadow of the degrees, which is gone down in the sun dial of Ahaz, ten degrees backward. Sabbath Message Following the LAMB and Resting in His Provision, How the S.D.A. Defend the city. 3 And said, Remember now, O Lord, I beseech thee, how I have walked before thee in truth and with a perfect heart, and have done that which is good in thy sight. Therefore Yahuah sanctified the Sabbath day and hallowed it. Those rebels chose to oppose Yahuah by 180 degrees to defy His plan to keep earth synchronized via the full New Moons and lunar Sabbaths. In essence, it is a horizontal sundial whose hour-angle ring has been turned ninety degrees so that its lines point towards the celestial pole instead of the horizon. The modern Yahudim (Jews) adopted this exact Babylonian system in the year A.D. 353, under the direction of Hillel II, when pressure from Rome to change their calendar, became too great to bear. (Click to enlarge images.). Many Jewish towns were destroyed and decrees issued against the local authorities and against Judaism. They were soon crushed. Whitehall 12-in dia x 5-in H Copper Verdi Sundial. Sundials only measure local solar time. This was a private sign of Yahuahs promise and power to heal King Hezekiah. This simple online calculator gives a vertical object shadow length for a specified day and geographic coordinate. NIV - 10 "It is a simple matter for the shadow to go forward ten steps," said Hezekiah. Assuredly, as the order of the abode of the stars, the New Moons, and the earth: The New Moon that I fashioned and placed in order remains firmly the chief corner [marker stone], declares Yahuah. Isaiah 38:4-8 Yet main weather forming feature is wind. . They are by their very nature prophetic and must be fulfilled at their fixed and preordained appointment times. Yet, it is this time system developed in Babylon that has been embraced by all the world, including those claiming to be Scripture (Tanakh) believers. 22 Hezekiah also had said, What is the sign that I shall go up to the house of the Lord? This is another of those Old Testament incidents which seem to set at defiance the known laws of Nature and hence receive more than the usual . 1 brass tube - 1/4 inch diameter. As a result, each lunar month is a visible and measurable event without the need for instruments to reorient and calculate what is not visible. A 360-degree circle on the sundial, divided by 12 hours of sunlight (average day) = 30 degrees per hour. Although Babylon succeeded in creating an alternate time-measuring system wholly out of sync with our Eternal Father in the New Jerusalem, the correct method has remained fully intact. The first full New Moon arising together with the constellation Bethula (Virgo) in the spring, usher in the true Rosh Hashanah (New Years Day) according to Revelation 12:1, and not Pisces. Further investigation reveals that this type of tale dates back to the late 1800s. So, in 24 hour earth rotates 360 degree or in 1 hour earth rotates 15 degree. Not just any old day or unit of time will do from an assorted choice of calendar systems. Since the sun travels through 360 degrees in this time it can be seen that the sun moves through 15 degrees every hour or 1 degree every four minutes. . Fifteen days prior to the Exodus from Egypt, Yahuah restored to these willful, yet chosen people His original time-keeping. . From that time on the Sanhedrin in Judea ceased to function or to maintain calendar experts. Under the leadership of Nimrod and his wife Semiramis, the sun worship cult was born. Some have claimed the Creator became too busy with other projects to keep our time mechanism coordinated with that of His throne room. Q 1101: As you place an 80 pound bag in the baggage compartment, you see a placard stating that the maximum weight limit for the compartment is 60 pounds. So your friend's . Click HERE to read more. The larger number of Jews follow the Rabbinical Calendar, the product of Rabbi Hillel II and others about 353 A.D. Lets begin with the miracle performed as a sign to King Hezekiah as a promise that he would be healed when Yahuah Alahim turned back the shadow on the sundial. An arrangement borne out of this kind of mischief brings Yahuah and His power over time into question. It is as a covenant promise between the Maker and His children that His celestial timepiece is immutable. In their visible order by night is1) the earth, 2) the full New Moon, 3) and the stars. When all was complete, the sun was in the very same location from which it had begun, or more specifically, where it should be along its natural and progressive course, as if none of this had ever transpired. On a side note, if one follows a week that cycles without end, and doesnt believe the New Moon days are also sacred, there will be no perceived discrepancy ever. Were Christians ever the Faithful Expositors of Truth? The terms, To punctuate that no time was lost between Abraham (circa 1925 BC) and Moses (circa 1495 BC), Scripture records the number of years to the very day. . Whether one has held to the theory that time according to the celestial mechanism shifted permanently at the time of King Hezekiah, at the fall of man in Eden, the time of the flood, or at the time of Joshua, these theories must be brought to their logical conclusions to recognize the full extent of the damage they could potentially cause. Exodus 20:10, For in six days Yahuah made the shamayim and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. "Rather, have it go back ten steps." Community answers are sorted based on votes. Furthermore, "Isaiah had said, Let them (Gemini) take a lump of figs (brown lunar full moon), and lay it for a plaister upon the (white solar) boil, and he shall recover" (38:21). It was Moses, under the direct guidance of Yahuah, who defined that 5 months were totaling 150 days during the cataclysmic events of the flood. By extension, there is astounding and unshakable evidence that earths preordained TIME-MEASURING MODEL continues unadulterated and with precision is fastened to the time-centric elements of Yahuah Alahims very throne room by way of the nails that pierced our Savior. By extension, this identifies the full moon, fourteen days earlier, as the actual New Moon. This miracle as recorded in 2 Kings 20:8-11, has been at the heart of a controversy relating to consistent time on earth. II Kings records one of these reasons, and Isaiah records all three. And Isaiah the prophet the son of Amoz came unto him, and said unto him, Thus saith the Lord, Set thine house in order: for thou shalt die, and not live. . Every action of His ministry was hung upon earths full New Moons and Sabbaths. This is because the Sabbath the Messiah kept in His death, He obediently kept in His life, and will continue to keep throughout the completion of His ministry in the courts above. If you use a sundial at the north pole in summer, hourly marks would have a separation of 15 degrees. Additional words were added that are not present in the Hebrew prefixes or suffixes. Notice the large Milky Way bone. The story picked up more steam after the 1936 book The Harmony of Science and Scripture promoted it. Several customs which prevailed during the age between the Exodus of the Israelites and the resurrection of Christ had so completely changed by the seventeenth Christian century that the translators of the Authorized Version of the English Bible were not able to perceive some important truths taught in the Greek version of the Old Testament and the Greek New Testament. But the definition chosen does not match the word spelling perfectly. Thus, a discrepancy of a single day every other month would keep the worship days from harmonizing between us and the Creator Alahim, who is the focus of our worship. Once the earth and humankind were perfect, but now they are both on a downward spiral. So the sun returned ten degrees" (38:8) counter-clockwise. The opposite effect is seen on the Durban sundial, as Durban is east of 30 degrees longitude, and local time is then ahead of South African Standard Time. If the orbit of the earth is speeded up to 18.78 miles/second we would end up with a year that is 360 days long. The FULL NEW MOON was pre-ordained to be the grand and visible sign in the Celestial east-west time-continuum of the faithful followers who seek to be synchronized to their Creator throughout all eternity. 2 Then Hezekiah turned his face toward the wall, and prayed unto the Lord (Sagittarius faces the Milky Way wall). It is a precious gift, from The Precious Gift Giver. Getting Rosh Hashanah (New Years Day) correct was the precursor and first step required to slaying the Passover Lamb on the correct 14th day. How much time would this 10 degrees take? Therefore 10 degrees = 20 minutes. Since most time zones are fifteen degrees, or one hour, wide, it will take approximately four minutes for the Sun to cross one degree. The Karaite Jews, whose numbers are small, reject tradition and the Talmud, observe their feasts and festivals more nearly with those of Christs time as regards the true season. This was 180 degrees opposite of the Creators ordained time continuum, which stipulated that the sun ruled alone by daylight, but that the moon ruled together with the stars by night. It was NOT A SIGN to the world at large that our celestial timepiece was about to change forever, becoming out of sync from that day forward, with the worship rhythms of the very throne room of the Most High, or forever to remain 40 minutes late. We now recognize only the full moon as the new moon. These assured that there would be no question that indeed He, Yahusha haMashiach, was the authentic Messiah, the son of the Most High, the long promised LAMB, and Savior of humankind. They are generally fixed to the Earth and are not, in general, portable. Meaning we would be operating on two different time systems, the earths system and that of the New Yarushalom, the sacred home of our Creator. If this essential tie were broken or even perceived to be broken, the Most Highs reputation would be irreparably tainted. 38:1 In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death. Under the leadership of the Father of Lights, the Creator's Calendar team have made a 180 degree paradigm shift from one new moon to another. Vertical Sundials Exodus 12:1-3 identifies Yahuah declaring, this New Moon (#2320 Chodesh), shall be your beginning of lunar months, as He identified the lunar phase that announced New Years Day. Roman pressure to conform Jewish TIME to Roman TIME had reached crisis level. Thus, this illustrates that He alone is the living reality and fulfillment of the promised Messiah, our High Priest, and our soon-to-be returning Redeemer and King of Kings. = 180 Hence, from the above equation, we can say, 180 degrees is equal to radian. As a result, all full New Moons and lunar Sabbaths upon earth perpetually continue to be synchronized with those of the very seat of Yahuahs authority in the New Yarushalom. Check your sundial a few times throughout the day to see if it's keeping accurate time. Though sex work helped pay for both Doe and Nicole's schooling, the cost of education left each of them in an incredible amount of debt. The earth is orbiting the sun at 18.51 miles/second and has been doing so for thousands of years. The design makes us ofe the fact that in the Northern hemisphere, the sun's altitude or azimuth is equal to its hour-angle during summer and winter solstices. Remember, our Sabbath was His Sabbath, our workdays were aligned with His workdays; earths New Moon Day was impeccably in step with that of the Kadosh (Holy) Citys New Moon day. . This remains to this day 180 degrees opposite of our Creators pre-ordained time-measuring system (Genesis 1:16, Psalms 136:7-10). This image is a classic illustration of how Babylonian luni-solar time is measured. If you've set your sundial correctly (and it's noon/1:00 p.m. dst), there won't be any shadow on the face of the dial. Revelation 22:2 [Thayers Greek Lexicon insertion] [Every mention of month in Scripture is in reference to a lunar month or its first day of the lunar month, New Moon Day.]. Pointing Your Sundial 1 Place your sundial on a flat, horizontal surface. Although, it may have been challenging to identify the New Moon day of each month and keep track of the number of days aboard Noahs ark, the record of numbered months does not come from Noah. As the sun appears to move across the sky, the shadow aligns with different hour-lines which are marked on the dial to indicate the time of day. . However, we are sure that there were other much earlier among almost all peoples of antiquity, although there is no evidence so clear as in this case. A sundial is a horological device that tells the time of day (referred to as civil time in modern usage) when direct sunlight shines by the apparent position of the Sun in the sky.In the narrowest sense of the word, it consists of a flat plate (the dial) and a gnomon, which casts a shadow onto the dial. Quote Adventists and their Roman Catholic calendar, Sabbath Message Islam: Past, Present, and Future, Adventists and their Roman Catholic Calendar, The New Schaff-Herzog Religious Encyclopedia, Sabbath was Originally Dependant upon the Moon, The Change from the Luni-solar to the Fixed Solar Calendar, Encyclopedia Britannica, The Julian Calendar, Newcomers Guide to Astro-luni-solar Concepts, Restoring the Creators Calendar Exodus 12:1-3, The Count of Shabuot Leviticus 23:15-21, The Lunar Sabbaths Stunning Historical Evidence, Number All Sacred Days 1 Chronicles 23:30-32, Passover The True Sign and Seal of Yahuah, The Radiant New Moon Rules from Abundance to Abundance Psalms 72, Passovers Blood Stained Trail of Promise, Passover to Tabernacles Calendar Challenge, Restored Prophetic Feast Days of Yahusha the Messiah, The Full Moon is the First Lunar Phase Psalms 89, The Night is Cut Off as in Circumcision Psalms 90:3-6, He Ordained the Moon for Specific Lunar Appointed Dates Psalms 104:19, A Case for the Lunar Sabbath Rebuttal to Angel Rodriguez, New Moon by New Moon You Shall Keep Isaiah 66:22-23, Constantines Easter Controversy with the Quartodecimen, Worship at the East Gate Ezekiel 46:1-3, Amos Prophesied a Solar Eclipse Amos 8:9-11, Step by Step Guide for Locating the Full New Moon Day, New Moon Day Changed by Formal Decree Zechariah 14:6-7, Ruling Luminaries Shine from East to West Matthew 24, Three Months in a Row the Exodus Part 1, The Sun was Darkened from the Sixth to the Ninth Hour Luke 23, Three Months in a Row The Manna Part 2, Three Months in a Row At the Mountain Part 3, Three Months in a Row Forty Years Later Part 4, A Great Sign Appeared in the Shamayim Revelation 12, Visible Stars Define the Parameters of Day and Night, Twelve Gates are Twelve Full New Moons Revelation 21:21, The 2000 Year Old Astro-luni-solar Computer, The New Moon Regulates the Tree of Life Revelation 22, Scriptures GPS Identifies the True Sabbath, The Fathers Ordained Timepiece Reveals Lucifers Lies, Why Must Rome Fix Easter to the Full Moon? Roman numerals for the hours of the day (or a 3d printer to make them) stain, finishes, glue, sandpaper. 20 Minutes Of Time to Degrees = 5. SixthThe losing sight of the use of uncounted days in the Bible calendar. In other words, 20.668 minutes/day x 365.2422 days = 7548.768 minutes total which is the same as 125.8128 hours or 5.2422 days. The sundial you constructed at Hila is designed to work at latitudes close to 45 degrees, i.e. Ottawa. Based upon the evidence above from the original Hebrew text, and contrary to popular belief, born out of faulty translations (Jeremiah 8:8-9), the shadow on King Hezekiahs sundial was notmoved in only one direction that day. Scripture & History You Must Ignore to Reject the Lunar Sabbath, Scripture Evidence for When the Day Begins, The Lunar Sabbath Rebuttal to Angel Rodriguez, Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) and How to Celebrate It. Find out why understanding this subject is such a BIG DEAL, and why it is crucial to know the truth! For only one TIME-MEASURING MODEL bears His astro-luni-solar signature. Revelation 22:2, [Thayers Greek Lexicon insertion] [Every mention of month in Scripture is in reference to a lunar month or its first day of the lunar month, New Moon Day. The sundial is actually folded up. Mount the sundial on top of a post , use a level to make sure the face of the sundial is level. If they had stubbornly remained affixed to the Egyptian dark conjunction lunar phase as their New Moon, they would have been 15 days late celebrating Passover. It contrasts sharply with the Roman no-moon model and the Babylonian dark invisible moon time-measuring system adhered to by the whole world. We presume that this recovery took about 15 days since that is how long the full moon "lump of figs" requires to arrive at the white-pus sun-boil's position. Because of the failure to note the above mentioned difficulties it has become quite difficult so to write or teach as to be clearly understood about the Bible Sabbaths. Sunday the Worlds Rest Day, The SabbathThe Lords Day, by Rev. People make themselves old by always talking about being old and wishing for the good old days, which were never as good as these days. In this verse, many liberties have been taken by the modern translators who radically change the order and meaning of the text. -- The Sun Dial of Ahaz Moves Back Ten Degrees Isaiah Chapter 38 Star Chart: The Sun Dial of Ahaz Moves Ten Degrees Backward 38:1 In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death. But, is there any truth in these theories? No Debate ~ Saturday is the Seventh-day of the Roman Calendar, Why Must Rome Fix Easter Sunday to the Full Moon? This was preordained so that humankind may follow His movements on earth via the set-apart and prophetic Feast Days to know exactly when each ministry changed. In other words, the following 10 points have ensured that NO TIME has ever been lost or changed. How could a changing worship rhythm as some declare, affect mankinds trust in their Creator? Sundial time = 12 Noon Sundial time = 11:45 am and 12:15 pm Sundial time = 11:30 am and 12:30 pm Sundial time = 11:15 am and 12:45 pm Sundial time = 11:00 am and 1:00 pm Sundial time = 10:45 am and 1:15 pm Sundial time = 10:30 am and 1:30 pm Sundial time = 10:15 am and 1:45 pm Sundial time = 10:00 am and 2:00 pm Sundial time = 9:45 am and 2:15 pm how much time is 10 degrees on a sundial. If this essential tie were broken or even perceived to be broken, the Most Highs reputation would be irreparably tainted. (Genesis 1:16.) At the commencement of all of this drama, our loving, compassionate Father and His Son mapped out a plan and charted a course to rescue earthlings according to a fixed astro-luni-solar time plan. Some believe that the lunar orbit changed at the time of the flood and that the earth may have become larger as it was filled with the waters from above. For all prophecy is based upon the 360-day year model, which is the halfway point between lunar years of 354 days and solar years of 365 days. . It is upon these same precise time principles that were neither changed nor out of sync, that our Messiahs work was centered. Scripture has identified that the seventh-day Sabbath was determined to be counted from the New Moon Day and that the New Moon Days are also sacred and set-apart (Ezekiel 46:1-3, Isaiah 66:23). May Yahuahs name be praised in all the earth! This is the word choice many translations have used that clarifies King Hezekiah was to rise up (#5927 alah) on the third day. The paradox is that the constellations are not visible by day. 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