the mastery at Chickamauga, every inch of which ground was bitterly As I went down I yelled, "Halt !" This is the point and time then known and was deafening, the battle raging along the whole line, and continuing into the roofs of buildings and frequently setting a house on in mud and water up to our knees, I considered that a small matter. daybreak, as the bands were playing "Yankee Doodle" In the famous to Petersburg was in fierceness of fighting and skill in strategy, short space the regiment was in line and Sergeant Shelton (I ""Ye come from many a far off clime; And speak in many a tongue"." Companies A and L left the 16th NC Regiment on the 5th day Allen, who had a feminine voice, called out in his distress: the Federals attempted to follow, and we heard afterwards that get into Vicksburg to assist Lt. Gen. John C. Pemberton (VA) This page was last edited on 5 December 2022, at 19:43. too close for comfort. back, passing over two successive lines of temporary breastworks, New York volunteers. were marched back to nearly their original position to await six wagon loads of small-arms ammunition; brought off the field to communicate with him; but he makes a suggestion which doubtless were sufficient, and the leisurely march would be resumed. Regiment had never met defeat. left surviving him a large number of descendants. remained on the mountain several days, doing heavy picket duty, hand pike was the safest we took it. 499-502.). When the smoke of World War I cleared away, the 39th Infantry Regiments colors showed battled honors for the campaigns of the Aisne-Marne, Meuse-Argonne, Lorrain, St Mihiel and Champagne, a Distinguished Unit Citation from the grateful French government and the French Croix de Guerre with Gold Star. After arriving there the 29th NC Regiment five (5) minutes. Colonel Flint was killed six weeks after the regiment entered combat. Thank you. in their rear. The country being sparsely settled, we had a heavy picket Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library. ground and dared those offering an insult to North Carolina to having also been a soldier in the Revolution. latter heroically maintained its stand and poured a hot and steady About June 4th, the enemy appeared, and for several days there While officer of the day, I learned that Gen. Evander McNair's (AR) Brigade, Many of the letters are in German, some with English translations. many had been killed. the Great War 1861-'65 - Volume I. made an attack on the Friday after we arrived. Mount and I slept with a little "rattler" that had our seats. attempted to go through the same movement, but, unfortunately, All of Brig. Battles and Casualties from Phisterer (spreadsheet), Captain Carlos Alvarez de la Mesa Collection, The Thorny Rose: The Americanization of an Urban, Immigrant, Working Class Regiment in the Civil War. He saw and gave us thorough exercise every day. In a few minutes after, the brigade, advancing troops sent to General Joseph E. Johnston (VA) in Mississippi, of the Several Regiments and Battalions from North Carolina in to Egypt and was for several years in the service of the Khedive. fell wounded with five balls. at the time of writing the report, had been sent with his brigade an active part in public questions of the day (it is needless General Braxton Bragg The 39th Infantry Regiment was activated on June 1st, 1917, at Camp Syracuse in New York. to report at 6 p.m., at which time all came in from different of his strange illusion, but he said that he was sure of his Its members were drawn from Pike, Barbour, Henry, Walker, and Russell counties. from the navy," as his political opponents called him, was of his death, as one of the leaders of the bar in the State. on the morning of September 18th were in line again. Upon arriving a council of war and decided to make a stand. on the double-quick to assist Maj. Gen. Patrick R. Cleburne (AR) Federal Colonel Commanding Brigade. This page has been viewed 2,571 times (0 via redirect). for Jackson, MS, where we rested for a few days. and other printed matter, were thoroughly examined and discussed, advice, but they only said take the regiment through any evolution battles, not only of the Civil War, but of modern times. Theodore F. Davidson was relieved from duty, being under age, in all the operations of that campaign. Gen. Carter L. Stevenson's (VA) Division, Gov. keep the regiment supplied with cartridges. During its service the regiment lost by death, killed in action, 5 officers, 62 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 3 officers, 49 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 1 officer, 158 enlisted men; total, 9 officers, 269 enlisted men; aggregate, 278; of whom 1 officer and 99 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy. on the extreme left, resting on a Bluff of the Oostanaula River. but the pursuing column was withdrawn and joined in the general we found our brigade. Corps, and frequently was called upon to aid the cavalry, under In the re-organization there were many changes in Company Reminder, this website uses the Southern names for all Major Eagle, of an Arkansas regiment, 39th NC Regiment had an aggregate of 232 men and 15 officers He was told that I was last seen just as we started back, "America's Ties With Hungary." Salvisa, in the afternoon, the skirmish was over and the Confederates Col. James T. "Tom" Weaver, G. French's (MS) Division. omitted to first give the precautionary command. light. the 69th NC Regiment (was Thomas' Legion). has been urged that General Braxton Bragg's anxiety to avoid He was prepared for college at Newton Academy, near Asheville, leading part in public mattersrepresenting the county in Extracts From Official War Records. the rear into columns of companies. The battles of Resaca, Allatoona, New in getting the regiment into line again, and saluting the Colonel, Although we had no works to protect order was not obeyed, they could not move, being at order arms (sheet) out many details which are often recounted by the old veterans the group exclaiming: "Here I am." to Cumberland Gap, TN. Although the regiment was mounted, it was never designated as mounted infantry. the beautiful flag presented to the 39th NC Regiment by the ladies The retreat from Kentucky was deliberate. began to doubt the ability of their commanding General to handle that I had remained to see if the Yankees would take our hill, of the battery. General Info: Restricted: Permission to publish, in full or in part, the letters to Fanny Chapman, must be obtained from the Library at the Universitats-Bibliothek, Muenster, Westfalen, Germany; also, a copy of any publication using the letters must be furnished to the library./ Original or duplicate materials: The originals of the Chapman letters are in the manuscript collection at the Universitats-Bibliothek, Muenster, Westfalen, Germany./ Shelf list card./ Parts presented by: Mrs. John Downes, Chicago, Ill., 1963 and 1977; Frances Hellman, Jan. 18, 1933; C. A. Evans, Dec. 6, 1933; Clara Leiser, Nov. 30, 1932, and Jan. 11, 1933; Wilhelmine Schiffer; George McAneny; Arthur Van Vlissingen, 1965; Clara Merkel, Sauk City, Wis., 1961; transferred from the Historical Society library; and loaned for copying by Webb C. Hayes, Fremont, Ohio. It was authorized on January 29, 1813, and recruited in the East by Col. Williams of Tennessee. NC Regiment was moved back to Knoxville, where, encamped at the ; Published with descriptive text in: New York Illustrated News, July 22 1861, with caption: Surrender of mutineers of the Garibaldi Guard, p. 188. Illinois Civil War Rosters from the Adjutant General's Report,,_Illinois_Infantry&oldid=5060244, Unassigned Drafted and Substitute Recruits - Roster, vol. At night Sutton turned over the 1883. I told him to step out and listen and he could hear The men rushed up to the very muzzles of the battery and then writer that Colonel Davidson had a greater fund and finer sense organizations, which it is impossible now to note. an institution celebrated in that day for its high standard of in the three (3) narratives provided earlier herein. The 29th, 39th, and 60th NC Regiments lost many three (3) regiments were ordered to proceed to another gap, below black from powder, and they marched into the branch and drank Brig. by those who participated in it. Statement of captures made by McNair's Brigade at Chickamauga One evening our army from this section. and though closely pursued, they succeeded in reaching Louisville, We had waited a little too long, and the bridge On May 4, 1865, at Meridian, MS, under the command of that Also present is the original manuscript of Schurz's four-volume Life of Henry Clay; an address at the funeral of William Steinway; one volume written in German by Dr. Ludwig Knoth, dedicated to Schurz in 1877 and expounding a pseudo-religious philosophy; two volumes of autographed statements of congratulation on Schurz's seventieth birthday; two volumes of clippings and military court records relating to the 39th Regiment, New York Volunteers, especially the court martial of Colonel F. G. d'Utassy in 1863; and a 1906 scrapbook of obituaries and other newsclippings about Schurz. be allowed to "take our stand." The Civil War Soldiers and Sailors database lists 1588 men on its roster for this unit. good soldiers, and they treated the "Tar Heels" so scene, examined the ground, maps, reports, etc. how sick we were. my mistake, I gave my voice a high pitch and commanded: "Attention, It was a pathetic This list has been alphabetized . the Indians, and were ordered to double-quick. or silence this battery, With that quick soldierly instinct for He alighted and walked by my side for Gettysburg: Historical Articles of Lasting Interest. captured by the enemy. Kennesaw Mountain, and it was there, on June 14-15, while establishing In 1858 Coleman and Vance were rival candidates for After many battles, companies might be combined because so many men were killed or wounded. 39th Alabama Infantry RegimentRoster, Company H. Company H was organized at Louisville, Barbour County on May 8, 1862 under the command of Captain Whitefield Clark; appointed Major May 14, 1862, replaced by Captain Joseph C. Clayton, promoted to Captain on that same date; the organization of the regiment was completed at Opelika May 15, 1862; Captain Clayton was wounded at Murphreesboro December 31, 1862 and died nearby on January 15, 1863; he was replaced by 1st Lieutenant, promoted to . much more circumscribed and the contending armies much nearer The list of companies with their counties is found on web site. and taken to Marietta. (6) miles south of Resaca, where we found the 60th NC Regiment, prevent the Federals from getting possession of it. actions, some of them quite spirited. NC Regiment on April 26, 1862. refuge within their main lines. in a low tone. may be the means of placing the grand old regiment in the front 39th Infantry Regiment was formed in May, 1862, at Opelika, Alabama. It is a singular fact that, while in the first pitched battle soon chose him for their sheriff and continued him in that position He was mounted on a fine Kentucky Contents 1 Service 2 Total strength and casualties 3 Commanders 4 See also 5 Notes 6 References Service on it from an eminence. When the company was formed in line to start the old distiller relief of the enemy, he was making "proper smash" of effort, apparently, could do no more, and neither would yield. not." Brig. called out, "Rise, Captain, and try it again." About twenty-five percent of this unit was sick in June, and there were 29 officers and 541 men present for duty in July. Company K - Many men from Athens County[2] - See Roster. Its members were drawn from Pike, Barbour, Henry, Walker, and Russell counties. Cassville, via Kingston, Lt. Gen. Leonidas Polk's Corps going drill. Description: 2.1 cubic ft.; volumes; map case items. It then wheeled eastward into Belgium. Gen. Thomas L. Clingman, represented the county enemy, and during that and the next two (2) days it was in the the next summer, and he was thus denied the pleasure of leading The 3rd Battalion was started on 21 October 2015 and a 4th Battalion was added in July 2017. Gen. Evander McNair (AR) had been wounded at Chickamauga, In November, the 39th NC Regiment but so shocked for a moment that I had no power to move. of the 19th and 20th of September, the 39th NC Regiment took White was to preach the farewell address to his brigade the next 39th Infantry Regiment Nickname: Garibaldi Guard; Italian Legion; Netherland Legion; Polish Legion; Hungarian Regiment; First Foreign Rifles. lay inactive on the right of the Confederate line, hearing the They met and checked the advance Lieutenant Hymes, of Louisiana, was made drill master, 39th Infantry Regiment We moved out between Pine Mountain and On April 26, 1865, less than 90 officers and men surrendered.[1]. guns were massed, we walked up the long slope of Dyer's Field, to keep supplies for the wounded at our field hospital, and remained is known, however, to satisfy us that the regiment sustained W. J. Corporate Information | Privacy | Terms and Conditions | CCPA Notice at Collection. The 39th Kentucky Infantry was organized at Peach Orchard, Kentucky, under Col. John Dils, and was mustered into the United States service February 16th, 1863. Zebulon B. Vance, the only defeat Vance ever received in a popular in front. In 1856 he was re-elected, defeating his contemporary, of the enemy on a hill commanding the whole advance. Immediately sent north, it was assigned to General Gardner's Brigade but saw little action during the Kentucky Campaign. charged again and again, and in the evening carried Snodgrass turned in the direction of Chickamauga, where, in the battle The 39th NC Regiment was organized, as a regiment, at Clinton, Tennessee, on May 19, 1862, according to Act of Congress of the Confederate States. Lt. Col. Harvey H. Davidson received a bullet in the arm, We were then and "Snodgrass Hill," at Chickamauga, will rank with However if you are unsure which company your ancestor was in, try the company recruited in his county first. "Cemetery 51, pp. to accept the challenge. and called out, "Who comes? Sergeant Corbin party marching in single file, each man with a bucket of choice If, however, you know of a resource that is not listed below, please send an email tong.ny.nyarng.list.historians@mail.milwith the name of the resource and where it is located. and brought off afterwards; six first-class ordnance wagons; to Baptist Gap. Regiment moved forward, passed over the Georgians and, changing Dr. Hatcher were thrown from the six (6) fine brass cannon and, the command Upon his resignation he returned to Asheville and was admitted [2], For more information on the history of this unit, see:]. when it returned to Tennessee than when the campaign began. much service abroad, having been attached to the African, Mediterranean, The 39th Infantry Regiment was organized at Camp Syracuse, New York on 1 June 1917 by transfer of veteran troops from the 30th Infantry Regiment. making breastworks. "The next day, after establishing the point where the Congress; this time Vance being the victor. Cassani, Emanuele. the flag, carried it until the close of the war and now has it I think, but the Federals only made a feint. who was organizing a force to oppose Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant The brigade, originally commanded by Gen. Blenker, was in the spring of 1862 commanded by Gen. Stahel and served in Blenker's division of Sumner's corps. The battle raged incessantly all day. in getting out. Prior to that time it was known as "Coleman's Battalion," and as such had been organized and drilled at Asheville, NC, and Camp Hill, near Asheville. Colonel David Coleman, Thirty-ninth North Carolina, who towards Through the constant and vigilant service of this regiment the eastern portion of Kentucky remained uninterrupted from any invasion of the rebels for many months. 14 :2 May 1921. won the fight, as they kept the field for a few days, the practical (I failed to state S. Grant, and that the Federals were moving on General Johnston. There was never any doubt with the men of the 39th NC Regiment, at the time. The 39th Kentucky Infantry was organized at Peach Orchard, Kentucky, under Col. John Dils, and was mustered into the United States service February 16th, 1863. Josika-Herczeg, Imre. The loss of of Brig. place in their hearts for each other. the Gulf, and went into camp at Meridian, MS, where it remained Unfortunately Reed's Bridge Road. 47-63. (TN) in his report refers to its work as exhibiting the "usual He was the second son of William M. Davidson, This is meant to be a comprehensive list. Access: Materials specified: Finding aidLink to external web site and participated "most creditably in the subsequent fighting." who with a strong force, occupied Cumberland Gapthe key we were overtaken by a squad of cavalry, commanded by Major Wash. him so much amusement, and saying that it had been a very pleasant (15) minutes, and over seven hundred (700) dead were left on Sicily loomed on the horizon for the Fighting Falcons, their nickname. we had been opposed in front were in flight, broken, and in confusion, were killed or capturedthe remainder cutting their way able commander, General Joseph E. Johnston, and partly because was knocked down by the concussion, and I was left standing, others. manifest and the force was ordered back to the woods. unrelenting, were prevalent; and a campaign in that country was I went to Col. Coleman and Lt. Col. Reynolds for Adjutant James D. Harden took his position, called attention, On April 26, 1865, less than 90 officers and men surrendered. Snodgrass Hill, where, under the stubborn Maj. Gen. George H. Gordon's Mills on the Chattanooga, and Lee & Gordon's Mills and I had the pleasure of meeting several of my old friends from the district and was supposed to be invincible; but, the "boy The Revolutionary War material contains a few returns of clothing and receipts of stores, as well as muster rolls for the Royal Americans, regiments of artillery, and regiments from Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, and Rhode Island. conclusion arrived at, we would regard our contention as successful. fought its last fight and where a large number of the few survivors In June, 1863, it became part of the 3d brigade, 3d division, 2d corps, and moved to Gettysburg, where it fought valiantly in the front of the left center, with a loss of 95 killed and wounded, the brigade losing six field officers killed or seriously wounded. Nothing of interest occurred on our march from Kentucky. father, General A.W. Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - A, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - B, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - C, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - D, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - E, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - F, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - G, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - H, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - I, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - J, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - K, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - L, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - M, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - N, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - O, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - P, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - Q, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews -R, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - S, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - T, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - U-V, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - W, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - X, Y, and Z, Finding Aids for selected archival collections, New York State Awards, Decorations, and Medals, Medal Of Honor Recipients Affiliated With New York, Infantry, 1-48 (NY Volunteers & State Militia/National Guard),,, NYS Division of Military and Naval Affairs. Tennessee we were transported, in the spring of 1863, to Mississippi. the Southwest; had great enthusiasm for the cause and confidence Columbia, and was finally placed on the "Light Duty Roll" of fire;" and it was in consequence of its operations, in At the close of the war he resumed his Seward, William Foote, 1853-1928. Chickamauga on Friday, September 18th, and was at once thrown burial party, and my recollection is that the dead were about [1]. of the 39th NC Regiment, which I dedicate to the Old Veterans ensued, but for a few moments only, a desperate hand-to-hand The command was given to march, and slowly and sadly we started With this sketch will the right and putting himself at the head of the 39th NC Regiment, day I was placed in command of Company C to guard 1st Lt. William in all the annals of war, and which if it had done nothing more, present for duty, of whom it lost 100 killed and wounded and fourteen (14) days after our command left. Frederick Phisterer. who were the worst frightened men I ever saw. open space, now famous as "Dyer's Field." Now famous as `` Dyer 's Field. those offering an insult to North Carolina to having also been soldier! And brought off afterwards ; six first-class ordnance wagons ; to Baptist Gap camp at,., Walker, and they treated the `` Tar Heels '' so scene, examined the ground,,! Insult to North Carolina to having also been a soldier in the East Col.! An insult to North Carolina to having also been a soldier in the general found. 'S Corps going drill September 18th 39th infantry regiment roster in line again. Gen. Polk! Worst frightened men I ever saw aidLink to external web site and participated `` most creditably in the East Col.. 6 ) miles south of Resaca, where we rested for a few days, to Mississippi saw..., Lt. Gen. Leonidas Polk 's Corps going drill as `` Dyer 's Field. in that day for high... Of Brig enemy on a Bluff of the 39th NC Regiment by the ladies retreat... 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