A huge part of speed and agility training is acceleration, it is important to train and strengthen the posterior chain of the body—glutes, hamstrings, lower back, mid-back, and even the calves & feet. Some of the most effective methods and strength exercises to improve acceleration include:
- Sled Drags & Sled Pulls
- Resisted Towing
- Tire Flips
- Plate Pushes
- Keiser Air Runner
- Bullet Belt
- Super Band Leap Frogs
- Form running in place & move out
- Legged Romanian Deadlifts
- Calf Raises (Double & Single Leg)
- Swiss Ball Leg Curls
- TRX Hip Extensions/Bicycles, Leg Curls
- Hyperextensions (Glute/Ham)
- Barefoot Balance Touches (on airex pad)
- Planks
- Pullups
Once one achieves top-end speed (T.E.S.), the mechanics then change. Now, technique is a bit different:
- Foot Contact now under hip
- Body is upright
- Upper body relaxed
- Arms swinging 90-120 degrees from waist to chin; drive elbows back!
- T.E.S. typically reached at approximately 20-30 yards on a linear sprint
Some drills to reinforce Top End Speed Mechanics/Technique Drills include:
- Arm swing drills
- Fast Claw Drill
- Marches
- Skipping
Some of the best exercises and methods to improve acceleration and T.E.S. include:
- Uphill running
- Stadium Steps
- Resisted Speed Drills (bungees)
- Assisted Over-speed training with bungee
- High speed treadmill
Best Strength Exercises to Improve Overall Speed (& acceleration):
- Squats (2 legged & 1 legged)
- Step-ups
- Lunges (variations)
- Bulgarian Split Squats
- Deadlifts
- Plate Pushes
- Sled Drags
- Plyometrics (squat jumps, lunge hops, Box jumps, leap frogs, vertimax, etc.)
- Olympic Lifts (snatch, clean & jerk, clean, power shrugs) (power development)
- Core Conditioning (ie. hyperextensions, Glute/Ham Raise, Russian twists, Bosu Core, med ball standing twists, med ball standing windmills, med ball seated sidewinders, med ball side-tosses into wall, med ball throws (straight up), etc…
- Pullups
- Weighted arm swings