- Depth Jumps
- Depth Jump with multiple repeats
- Single leg triple jumps
- Smith Machine Bench Press Throws to partner
- Add another exercise to upper & lower body
- Keiser Air Runner or double leap frongs
- Increase height of box
- Incorporate single leg movements
- Use weighted vests
3 Levels of Plyometrics
- Jumping Rope
- Jumping Jacks
- Line jumps & hops
- Squat jumps
- Tuck jumps
- Skater plyos
- Overhead Medicine Ball Tosses
- Med Ball Chest Passes
- Plyo Pushups on floor
- Medicine Ball rotational ab twists into wall
- Box jumps
- Lateral box jumps
- 1 legged jumps (front & lateral)
- Supine medicine ball push presses (to partner)
- 1-legged lateral bounds
- Plyo situps
- Med ball throws into ground (with twist)
- Explosive pushups onto 2 steppers
- Explosive pushups onto 1 stepper
- Med ball push press to partner into plyo pushup & repeat
- Abdominal leg throws
- Med ball overhead tosses, sprint, and retrieve